Age of Light…2021

Welcome To 2021! How Light Enters Form. Written By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

In the new year of 2021 A.C.E. (“After the Common Era”), LIGHT will increase as Earth/Gaia continues to travel higher in the cosmic realms to receive sacred energy (“life force”) which will then be transmitted to all of creation upon the planet.

We are still in an amazing re-birthing process. LIGHT has been coming into the inner and outer fields of Earth/Gaia for many eons of time; however, it has steadily increased as human collective consciousness has demonstrated a need for SOURCE to give further instructions regarding the Divine principles which govern the physical realms—both within this galaxy and other galaxies as well as within all universes which comprise the cosmos or the multiverse.

As residents of Earth/Gaia, our nerves (known as “nadis” in Sanskrit) are transmitters and receivers of knowledge, and this knowledge is transported to us via our nerve endings which are the openings to our grid system of all of our nerves combined.

Nerves are like pathways or highways which travel throughout the physical vessel and which also act upon our electrical frequencies of thought and our magnetic frequencies of emotion.

As this process unfolds, our cells are filled with information because they are records, and our DNA is re-framed.

The more knowledge that we acquire, the more that our cellular records are cleared of old programming and the more that our DNA is continually given more strands, thus eventually becoming a multi-stranded formation as opposed to remaining only of a double-helix structure.

This is why there have been times when intense aches or pains have occurred in the muscles and joints (when no other reason for them is evident such as having sustained an injury due to an accident or sports activity).

Welcome To 2021 - Nadis Map

Our nerves known as “Nadis” in Sanskrit

When LIGHT comes into the physical vessel to cleanse and to illuminate it, its power is potent! It has been increasingly potent as ages of history have elapsed. Now, as humanity is leveling-up in greater numbers, the LIGHT is stronger because many are now ready to process knowledge that in the past they either refuted or could not understand.

In other words, the intellectual and spiritual capabilities of many humans has developed in such enormous percentages that more LIGHT can now be received and acclimated to as the final phase of the “Kali Yuga” (“Age of Chaos”) has arrived and as the next age ensues.

From the “Kali Yuga” era (where only 1/4 of humanity is of a truly higher vibrating consciousness), there is a spiraling upwards through the conditions of the previous ages, and therefore, a gradual betterment of world civilization occurs.

Welcome To 2021 - How Light Enters Form - Physical Vessel

Light Comes Into the Physical Vessel

Each age (except for the “Golden Age” of “Sattva Yuga”—the “Age of Peace”)—is filled with a cosmic clearing and cleansing process whose purpose is the re-calibration, re-alignment, and tuning-up of all creation.

This process for Earth/Gaia has been very extensive.

The next age will be “Dwarpa Yuga”—“The Age of Doubt”.

Many people will still question the existence of a “Higher Power”. Many will still be merely logic-oriented and rely upon traditional scientific information.

The planetary blueprints of the cosmos will still be in question, particularly by those persons who have been instilled with religious indoctrination. Governments will continue to be in turmoil.

Warfare will still happen. Nature will still be tampered with in numerous ways.

Yet, all the while, LIGHT will keep arriving, and approximately 1/2 of humanity will be prepared to be open-minded about metaphysical phenomena.

The next age is “Treta Yuga”–the “Age of Ritual”.

At this era, humanity will have leveled-up at approximately a 3/4 fraction.

The darkness of “Kali Yuga” and the dimness of “Dwarpa Yuga” will have considerably lessened. Humanity will profoundly increase in its belief in and honoring of sacred principles and realizeshow they work in the world.

There will be more love, more peace, more joy, better health, and greater abundance. Finally the “New Golden Age” of “Sattva Yuga”will be birthed, and there will literally be “Heaven on Earth”.

There will be no more illness, no demise of the physical body, there will be no religious rivalry, there will be no hatred, there will be no warfare, there will be no subjugation of anyone.

Vital Life Force (Spirit) and Higher Consciousness (Soul) will show itself as pure LIGHT. Thus, a truly Divine type of human being will exist. The greatest holy book will be realized to be Nature itself.

All of humanity will live in righteousness.